Why you might want to own some bitcoin (and how to do it responsibly)

This post outlines the learning path I’ve been recommending for friends and family new to Bitcoin. You’ll start by watching a short video, then buying a few satoshis (the smallest unit of bitcoin). Yo...

What is “Blockfolio” and why you need it!

Blockfolio is an app and is the easiest way for you to track your cryptocurrency assets. You enter the details of your purchase, how much you spent, how you spent it and keep a track of the value of y...

For those who were trading in 2017 or earlier bull markets

We’ve seen our first big pump of 2021 and with it a 20% dump/blow off the top. For some new to the game this might be shocking, but for others it’s part of the game, please have a read her...

Designing Tokenomics for Customer Loyalty and Holder Value

Cryptocurrency has disrupted much of the monetary and banking systems already and is headed for customer loyalty programs. Customer loyalty is the gold standard of a brand’s success and is worth signi...

How Blockchain Will Give Consumers Ownership of their Data

Blockchain is set to change data ownership. It will help restore data control to the user by empowering them to determine who has access to their information online. It is a paradigm shift in how we d...


Just stay out of ripple – it makes no sense. It’s connected to the banks. Which initially you think might make it good, then remember why you’re in all this crypto in the first place...

The Flippening

This will help you understand here: https://themerkle.com/what-is-the-flippening/ However, I’m going to quote from Hacked.com 23/5/2017: The total value of the coin market is now at $80 billion,...

Your first bitcoin purchase

EVERYTHING BELOW WAS WRITTEN IN 2017, it hasn’t changed much, but there are more and maybe better wallets and exchanges available now! ————————...

What is Ethereum?

  Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third party interference. &...

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